Gifts of time, talents and resources are central to Christian life. It demonstrates our love for God’s people, God’s kingdom and our love for Jesus Christ. When we act generously, we respond to Jesus’ call to serve others, and we open our hearts to appreciate what God has provided. These gifts sustain not only our mission and our congregation, but each one of us.
At FPCMV, we believe we exist to serve and to share the message of Jesus Christ through opportunities on the church campus and in the community. We invite you to join in any of the opportunities below by contacting us to be connected with the coordinator for the opportunity you are interested in. On Campus Music Ministry – singing, bells, and other musical gifts Worship Ministry – greeting, ushering, or serving coffee Bible study – leading or supporting a study…
We want to be a blessing to those our neighbors and the wider community. Throughout the year, we support a variety of missions, both local and international, through financial gifts as well as projects that the church community can participate in. Click here for more information on the missions we support. Check the Events Calendar for projects you can participate in.
Your financial gifts help First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View fulfill its goals, and thus support the work of Christ in Mountain View, Silicon Valley, and around the world. Please consider giving to the church and including the church in your estate planning. To make a gift of stock or other securities, contact the church treasurer. Another giving option is to donate directly from an IRA account to the church. Called a Qualified Charitable Distribution, if you’ve reached the age…